Majapahit Kings Genealogy

Majapahit Kings Genealogy -

As we know that Indonesia is a country which have many various of culture and traditional. It is also become Indonesia get famous in the world. History values usually we found in History subject in school is about some famous kingdoms. One of some kingdoms in Indonesia is Majapahit Kingdom.

This is a Majapahit Kings Genealogy Genealogical Diagram of Royal Family of Majapahit. Hope it can improve our knowledge, especially in ancient kingdom history  of Indonesia. 

Hope the young generation of Indonesia can learn from history how rich our country.

As Soekarno (The 1st President of  Indonesia) said : "do not ever forget history (jangan sekali-kali melupakan sejarah)

 Majapahit Kings Genealogy
Taken from any sources

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