Amazing! The Origin and History of Borobudur Temple
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Borobudur temple is the cultural heritage of Indonesia that has been known to the whole world. This building is the world's largest Buddhist temple and established as one of the world's cultural heritage by UNESCO. It’s magnificent buliding and unique architectural details makes everyone want to visit Borobudur that curious about the story, Borobudur steal the world's attention since HC cornelius find its location on the orders of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in locations suspected 1814. This project dig huge monument followed by hotman a Dutch government official who was archaeologists race to race to find out the origin of this world's largest Buddhist temple.
The origin of the Borobudur temple
Borobudur temple is believed to be the kingdom of Sailendra Dynasty reign Samaratungga of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom and was completed in 8th century. There are many Borobudur temple mysteries are not revealed yet, what was the original name of the temple of Borobudur no inscriptions or books that explain with certainty about the Development Borobudur, some say the name comes from the name samara budhara means mountain slope lies patio terrace there is also a saying Borobudur derived from the words of the Buddha are shifted one of his writings that mention Borobudur first was Thomas Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in his book the history of the island of Java invoke historians estimate of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles call borobudur of said bore and budur, bore means that the village is a village located near the site lies Borobudur temple discovered while budur means primordial
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Borobudur temple from above side |
Already many scientists from all over the world who come but none of them succeeded in revealing the mystery of the construction of Borobudur. One pertayaan which led researchers curious is from where the large stones in the temple of Borobudur and the like where arranged with precision and architecture are very neat. There are estimates that the rock came from volcanoes but how to carry it from the volcanoes to the location of the temple in view of its location on the hill.
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a part of Borobudur temple |
Borobudur has 72 magical bell-shaped stupa, the largest Stupa located at the top of the temple while others surround stufa up to down. When scientists draw a map Borobudur temple, they found the strange patterns that lead to the function of Borobudur as a sundial, a needle winder a shadow stupa great and fell right on the stupa downstairs but not yet known exactly how the division of time will be undertaken using some say Borobudur temple at Borobudur temple clock to show signs of age when planting or harvest.
Borobudur temple mystery and figure 1
Section in order architecture Borobudur temple when observed mathematically there are interesting mystery that leads from the number one, some numbers that are in the temple when in total numbers will always produce a number one what's the story, before telling the mystery figure one needs to know about the level of Ranas Buddhist spiritual in Borobudur temple. Depth of the first is Kamadhatu that the world is still controlled by kama or lust lower part is mostly covered by a pile of stones made to strengthen the construction of the temple the second level is rupadhatu that the world has been able to break free from lust but are still bound to appearance and shape of the area is 4 shoulder terraces formed korang kriling that of the walls were decorated gallery relief storey rectangular in 4 hallway was 1,400 images reliefs long-reliefs whole 2 and a half kilometers to 1,212 decorative panels third level is Arupadatu is the highest level that symbolizes a lack of form Perfect in this area of the circular floor plan which symbolizes that the man was free from all desires of the bond forms and shapes but have not reached nirvana. The first temple of Borobudur has 10 levels if in total 1 plus 0 result 1 point the other one appear on the area Arupadatu this area is an area 4 topmost level of the temple, on the first level there is a temple second level there are 16 temples third level there are 24 temples levels to 4 There are 32 temples number of temples in the area of arupadhatu is 73 pieces if in total 7 and 3 the result is 10 and if in total again 1 to 0 the result is 1. The number of the latter appears on the total number at the Borobudur temple there are 505 statues statues there when the numbers in total the result is also the number one
Borobudur was built on a lake Ancient
The mystery of the ancient lake arises when an artist Dutch proposed a theory that once the plains of the building where the Borobudur stand is a lake, when viewed from the top of Borobudur symbolizing a lotus flower, lotus usually grows on the water postures of Buddha located at the top of Borobudur symbolizing silk lotus that many encounter in Buddhist religious texts aroused opposition to this theory quite complicated. The archaeologists found archaeological evidence that proves that the area around Borobudur during the construction of the temple was not a dry plains ancient lakebed while geologists were supporting this Dutch artist. They found senimen sediment mud near the temple this study done in 2000 and supports the existence of the ancient lakes around Borobudur evidence shows that the base of the hill near Borobudur never come back and be submerged banks of the lake around the 13th century and the 14th. That explanation of the Borobudur temple which proves that our ancestors were able to make magnificent works of all time hopefully this work preserved from generation to generation.
Borobudur temple reliefs and Mahabharata story
In the Borobudur temple there is a relief that tells the story of a literary work is quite well known that barata MAHABARATA. Maha is actually not a true story and not a religious book because the author is not the Prophet but this barata masterpiece of literature in the book that is most precious parwa barata first book nah there are stories about the Pandavas and the Kauravas both common ancestor that kuru nation but have different properties Kaurava kususnya durya the fund has a cunning nature he is a royal inheritance penngen controlled by the group Kurawa or represented 100 people with this duryadana. Then durya funds invites kunti mother Pendawa then by his son five Pendawa five are invited to go to a place to stay overnight and play there nahh when they spend the night, the home tuh in fuel profit kunti and pandawa not burnt alive but could escape and rescue in the woods nearby. In his journey in the middle of the forest, the Pandavas came to the kingdom whose name pancala rajannya Drupada, in the kingdom was no contest to compete for many things but among them is the fight Draupadi was Draupadi is the daughter Panchala is then pandawa is wearing disguises clothing brahmin after contest and of course he has a arjuna representing excellence in archery win this contest.
Arriving pandawa home she told her mother kunti the win, "we won the competition we were able to present the mother with the authoritative voice of a mother like this kid whatever you get you have to be fair it was a gift to be on for five but the mother, but not the reason you should hear parents in the flat, but bu, no buts, then agreed on for five new mother kunti now know that the prize including Draupadi a woman because she would not lick his tongue and his words then what may make Draupadi must marry 5 laki- Male
The Origin and History of Borobudur Temple
Taked from some history sources
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